

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Song of the Week: Week 6 - Onomatopoeia

Thanks to Mr Matthews and Kauri class we are learning a very big word this week - Onomatopoeia. As long as we don't have to spell it we'll be OK! :-)

Sunday 16 August 2015

Literacy, Language, Numeracy and IT - It's ALL going on in Te Kākano!

We never cease to be blown away by the enthusiastic learners in our class!

They are learning the importance of knowing what they are doing now and what they need to do next to build on their own developing skills!

Enjoy their successes as they share their achievements with us all - Locally and Globally :)

Karlie gets some Maths Whizz support from Principal, Mr. Robertson!

Right then boys - Snakes and Ladders it is! Great co-operation guys :)

Such clever Geo-Designs Lucy and Mykiala!

Michaela and Amelia sort the pegs together for their designs!

Alexis practises her numbers on her mask...

Hana was so pleased with her 3D model :)

Emma wanted to share her wonderful letter and shape message on the class Blog :)

Literacy opportunities are everywhere.  
We have lots of different activities available to practise our developing skills!

"So, if you choose the words first, then I 'll write them down and you can see if the sentence is right - OK.  Then we can swap and see if we can do some different ones together". Lara, Laura and Olivia enjoying time together :)

The Active Board is such a smart IT tool to have in class and everyone wants to have a turn at showing their skills off :)

 The i-Pads are a great way of building our own technological skills through Maths Whizz and Book Creator programmes.  We use them everyday!

The Magic Sheets are a wonderful resource that the children access independently and in planned activities.  Grab a sheet, a white board pen and a fabric rubber and away you go...

 Word lists, names, essential spelling list words, noughts and crosses...limitless!

The Phonic Shute - sound card in - sound clue out! 
Helping a friend to build up phonetic knowledge - thanks :)

Max, Connor and Louis chose some important words to practise,

and what a great job they all did.  The smile says it all doesn't it!

Writing, writing everywhere...

Learning opportunities everywhere!!! never ends :)

Monday 3 August 2015

Maths: Ladybird Doubles

Over the next few weeks Maths Groups are learning about joining and separating sets of objects. As we get to the end of Stage 3 Maths we start learning our doubles addition facts. This is a fun memory game we play in class that you can play at home!

Saturday 1 August 2015

Song of the Week - Term 3 Week 3 - 'Hey Brother'

Thanks to Totora for such a great suggestion :)

Hey Brother

Snippets of Fun!

As requested by the wonderful students,

"PLEEEEEEEEASE Mrs. T take a photo and put it on the Blog for me', type request - ENJOY!

Connor, the Cowboy, ready to go shopping at a moments notice and Bella showing her gorgeous hand writing skills :)

Can't help but love em!